Improvement of the efficiency, quality and reliability of the product by at least 40%

Improvement of the efficiency, quality and reliability of the product by at least 40%

Exploiting nanotechnology for optimizing two material parameters at once, resulting in:

  • Heat sink material with highest conductivity, but lowest mismatch in thermal expansion (KR1)
  • Enhanced local heat transfer efficiency of steel moulds & parts by 100% to prevent thermal peak loads
  • Heater materials based on matching alloys, but adjusted CTE and maximised electrical resistance
  • Improvement of thermal regulation dynamics (faster regulation of thermal peaks) by 40%
  • Improvement of production rate using MULTI-FUN moulds by 35%, properties of parts produced therefrom by 50%
  • Increased mould lifetime by +100%
  • Exploiting active materials in Multi-Mat. Design towards
  • Highly integrated and innovative layouts resulting in reliability gain >50% by elimination of critical parts such as wires, seals, adhesives, brazed joints
  • Compatibility to Digitalization (SHM, CM, IoT) by fully integrated sensor capability & data transfer: +100% gain in feasibility
  • Comprehensive and transparent evaluation of results
  • All materials (KR1) and processes (KR2) tested and validated in several demonstrators of industrial relevance
  • Validation of min.5 new product functionalities up to TRL6
  • Development using LCA: open access assessment report
  • Multi-sectorial approach (space, aviation, automotive, production industry) with high level of transferability to other markets and applications: naval, energy (wind, oil & gas) high temperature service, electric drives etc.
  • Execution of project and corporate business market entry plans for the 6 selected industrial use cases, including the its TRL move up to TRL9 and certification
  • Application to new use cases to be identified by partners in phase 3 at project end together with the EEAB and major stakeholders.
  • Enabling radical new design in load carrying vehicle structures, generating frontrunner position due to gains in safety, reliability and comfort (exploiting KR3)
  • Digital integration of multi-functional “wired” parts into condition-based monitoring and digital twin process control (“IoT ready”) leading to reduced downtimes (-25%), less scrap (-50%), lower energy consumption.
  • Paving the way for SHM for metal parts into aviation industry

Better use of raw materials and resources with reduced environmental impact and to lower cost by 35% as demonstrated by Life Cycle Assessment

Enabling multi-material parts by exploiting WAAM to the maximum while cooperating with other cost-effective processes to realize multi-functionalities by added active materials (applied in all demonstrators), resulting in:

  • Better usage of raw material by factor 3 up to 15, reducing BTF from 40 to 3.
  • Significantly reducing production waste in the range of 40% up to 90%
  • Integrated functionalities leading to enhanced lifetime by 100% (eliminating the needs for earlier replacement)
  • Reducing the cost share of moulds by 50%
  • Validation of manufacturing cost savings by WAAM from 50 to 70% also in multi-material parts
  • Taking benefits from planning and control software tools
  • Highly integrative design leading to reductions in number of single parts by min. 35%, thus reduction in causes of failures /reduced maintenance)
  • Environmental impact supervised by LCA concerning cradle-to-grave energy and raw material consumption; target values for MM AM at around 0,5 kJ/kg instead of 0,75-2,25 kJ/kg
Likewise, on the approached industry sectors:
  • Identification of new potential uses cases based on the environmental & resource reduction benefits
  • Reduction of production waste by 40-90%.
  • Implementation of multi-material forming tools in conventional forming processes leading to an energy reduction (25-35% by waste heat recovery) and enhanced productivity (>25%)
  • Transfer of multi-material opportunities to other forming processes (hot stamping, composite curing, sintering, ...)
  • Opening up radical design concepts for moulds and parts in context of predictive maintenance
  • Further improvement in durability and lifespan of machinery (+35%) by integrated condition sensors (less efforts for repair and overhaul leading to reduced resources)

New opportunities & business for SMEs across Europe (key players in adv. materials research for AM)

SMEs along the entire value chains involved both as a supplier of enabling technology as well as end-user

  • Offers along the entire value chain will be developed and distributed by beneficiaries
  • Inclusion of insights into curricula of 5 European Universities (2.2)
  • Setting up and executing training modules for SMEs on AM
  • Positioning of SME´s as frontrunner in terms of AM-materials, -equipment, quality, etc. as international quality leader
  • Contribution of SMEs to Business opportunities and further growth through technical and quality leadership.
  • Setting up and executing training modules for SMEs to build and enhance AM capacities throughout Europe on the long term
  • Inclusion of insights into university curricula at least 1 University per country to promote academic experts which on the long term strengthen Europe´s competitiveness